Adding MSSQL Spatial Layers

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Adding Microsoft SQL Spatial Layers

By selecting the 'Add MS SQL Spatial Layer' menuitem in the layer panel the MSSQL layer can be configured in the following dialogue:

To configure the MSSQL layer the following steps should be done:

  1. Specify the Server Name - The server name can be specified in the 'Server Name' combobox or can be selected from the list of the available servers. You can refresh the server list by pressing the 'Refresh' button
  2. Setting up the Authentication - You can specify the authentication settings in the 'Log on to server' section. By pressing the 'Test Connection' button MapManager tries to establish the connection to the server. If the connection test was successful the following dialogue is shown:

  1. Select the database - The database can be selected in the 'Database' combobox either by typing the name directly in the textbox or by selecting from the list of the available databases at the server
  2. Select the layer - The data table for the layer can be selected in the 'Data Table' combobox either by typing the table name directly in the textbox or by selecting from the list of the available spatial data tables within the specified database
  3. Select the FID column - When the data table is selected you can select the feature identifier (FID) column in the 'FID Column' combobox. The combobox retrieves all the columns with integer type from the specified data table
  4. Select the Geometry column - The geometry column within the specified data table can be selected in the 'Geom. Column' combobox
  5. Specify the SRID - Once the geometry column is specified MapManager tries to retrieve the spatial reference identifier (SRID) for the geometries in the data table. The SRID can also be specified manually in the 'SRID' textbox

Note: The SRID should be considered as the primary key to the spatial_ref_sys metadata table which might not be the same as EPSG code of the given spatial reference system.