Mapping OGR Feature Styles to Layer Styles

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Mapping OGR Feature Styles to Layer Styles

When using the OGR auto style option the OGR feature styles are automatically mapped to the corresponding layer style when rendering each features of the layer. MapServer supports the following style tool parameters with the OGR auto style mappings

Pen style parameters

Pen styles are used for line features and the borders of polygon features. Currently the following pen style parameters are mapped: Colour, Outline Colour, Width, Symbol Size, Symbol Name. The mapped parameters are shown in the following Style Property Editor dialogue:

Note: When mapping the pen symbol names OGR follows the 'mapinfo-pen-...' and 'ogr-pen-...' naming convention for the symbol names. In order to have this parameter mapped the corresponding symbol definition with the same name should exist in the symbol definition file or in the map file (inline symbols). For more information see Defining Fonts and Symbols.

Brush style parameters

Brush styles are used for the pattern of polygon features including circles and ellipses. Currently the following brush style parameters are mapped: Colour, Backgroundcolour, Symbol Name. The mapped parameters are shown in the following Style Property Editor dialogue:

Note: When mapping the brush symbol names, OGR follows the 'mapinfo-brush-...' and 'ogr-brush-...' naming convention for the symbol names. In order to have this parameter mapped the corresponding symbol definition with the same name should exist in the symbol definition file or in the map file (inline symbols). For more information see Defining Fonts and Symbols.

Point (marker) style parameters

Currently the following marker style parameters are mapped: Colour, Outlinecolour, Angle, Symbol Size, Symbol Name. The mapped parameters are shown in the following Style Property Editor dialogue:

Note: When mapping the brush symbol names, OGR follows the 'mapinfo-sym-...' and 'ogr-sym-...' naming convention for the symbol names. In order to have this parameter mapped the corresponding symbol definition with the same name should exist in the symbol definition file or in the map file (inline symbols). For more information see Defining Fonts and Symbols.

Label style parameters

Currently the following label style parameters are mapped: Angle, Position, Label Size, Label Text, Forecolour, BackColour, Shadowcolour, Outlinecolour, TrueType Font Name. The mapped parameters are shown in the following Label Property Editor dialogue:

Note: When the feature style contains TrueType Font Name, the entry of this font name should be defined in the font file so as to have this parameter mapped. The path to the font file can be specified in the 'General' tab of the Layer Property Editor. For more information about defining fonts see Defining Fonts and Symbols